About the Scleral Lens Midday Refresh Kit
Each kit contains:
- Clear vinyl bag with zipper closure
- (1)
- (2)
- (1)
- (1) - colors vary
- (10)
- (5)
Description (Rebecca's)
New - October 2023
This kit is intended to be somewhere between the Emergency Kit (which is just to ensure you can get a lens out and back in) and the Travel Kit.
Lots of people with Emergency Kits have wondered why it doesn't have any multi-purpose solution for cleaning and rinsing. It's really just because we wanted to keep the Emergency Kit as small as possible.
A year or so before the pandemic, we ran a survey on habits - and it sure was a popular one (430 participants!) It's been awhile so we'll hopefully run that one again soon and see if anything has changed.